
Wide Narrow Wide

Three simple words can lead to booming drives consistently. Wide - Narrow - Wide. Gene Parente from Golf Laboratories will walk us through this drill so we can easily achieve this swing concept. Master it and you'll experience less casting, greater lag, and a killer follow-through when you apply maximum club head speed at impact.

Wide – Narrow – Wide, three simple words can lead to booming drives consistently.

Wide – Narrow – Wide

Gene Parente from Golf Laboratories will walk us through this Wide – Narrow – Wide drill to easily achieve this swing concept.

Master it, and you’ll experience less casting, greater lag, and a killer follow-through when you apply maximum clubhead speed at impact.


Have you seen the Speed System Driver? It was tested on the Robot by Golf Laboratories and found to add a whopping 16 yards to the average amateur’s drive. It’s an ultralight, high-performing driver. Testing data and results can be found right here: Swing the club faster, and you can launch the ball further./



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Here is another How to Golf Video from Gene Parente of Golf Labs reviewing the Shaft Flex and its complexity.  Gene simplifies the discussion,  just one of the many free golf instruction videos we have at GolfersRx.com.

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  1. B A

    July 4, 2020 at 12:37 pm

    very confused as to what distance is wide or narrow. Clubhead from body? Hands from body?

  2. Robert Koens

    July 19, 2020 at 10:49 am

    I would like more information.

  3. Stephen White

    July 19, 2020 at 11:19 am

    I have always been told to make sure that I have a complete and well balanced follow through. This sounds like good advice but it is incomplete and confuses cause and affect. I see how this shows in myself and frequently in other bogie golfers. It must be emphasized that the follow through should be caused by the momentum of the swing to impact! I see golfers hit the ball and then as an apparent afterthought put their body into a nice finish. The finish is not an objective in itself but is a result of what comes before. No instructor I have had or seen has ever emphasized this.

    • Gene Parente

      July 27, 2020 at 12:51 pm


      You are correct. If you try to stop your swing midway through the downswing you will still have a short follow through as it is very difficult to stop the club head once centrifugal force takes over.

      The follow through is more of an effect of a proper acceleration through impact. It highlights how much velocity you had coming into impact.

  4. Mark Reiser

    July 27, 2020 at 7:49 pm

    I like it, it’s all about acceleration. For me a a senior, I seem to not finish with the follow through.
    I’ll take this to the range thanks
    My regards to your Dad, he can golf his ball!

  5. Robin

    September 8, 2020 at 12:11 pm

    You don’t jerk down on the club in the down swing. You slowly start the down swing , and build up speed thru the hitting area.
    No disconnecting your body from the swing

  6. Arthur Brown

    September 11, 2020 at 2:04 am

    I applied your lesson on wide narrow wide to my own pathetic driver problems and had a wonderful round. I’m 59 years old and had been losing distance and consistent ball contact. Today I played a new course with only one ball and hit it further than I have in over a decade. As a side benefit, I beat my 32 year old son too. Thank you for making my long game fun again. You are a genius.

    • Gene Parente

      September 11, 2020 at 3:35 pm

      Thanks for the kind words. Good luck continuing your golf progress and enjoyment.

  7. Chok Chokkalingam

    February 16, 2021 at 5:21 am

    Well explained , very basic to visualize and perform for consistency in direction & distance..

    • Keith @ GolfersRX

      February 20, 2021 at 5:59 am

      Thanks Chok. Gene’s an excellent communicator. A master at making the complex understandable.
      You can watch all of Gene’s GolfersRx tips here. https://golfersrx.com/author/gene/


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