
Sand Trapped


When you’re in a sandtrap or fairway bunker, the top priority is to get out. Be sure you have the next shot—words of wisdom. Git’er out!

Sculling the golf ball into the pond behind the green does not count as getting it out. But you know that if you have been watching any of Mr. Short Game’s videos. Check out this Bunker Drill – Throwing Sand, it even sounds easy.

You may ask, what is the opposite of Mr. Short Game? Uncle Still-in-the-Bunker? Sammy Second Chance? Distantly related to Second Swing All-American.

On a more positive note, is there anything better than a sandy? Catching the ball perfectly and floating one onto the green, then watching it roll towards the hole coming to rest within the leather.

I love when the spin stops the ball after a single bounce as long as it doesn’t leave me with a 60 footer to convert my sandy.

Some people love to hit from the sand trap. I guess I do too. My expectations are pretty low. So, if I do get it out, and on the putting surface, there is a celebration in that small, very loud space between my ears.

Sand Trapped

Since the pandemic, with rakes removed, we play “Paradise at the Beach” in the sand trap. That is, when the golf ball is in the sand, you can do whatever you want; move it, place it, perch it on a perfect lie, clean it, order a Pina Colada with a tiny umbrella? Okay, not anything, but you get the idea.

“Paradise at the Beach” isn’t nirvana, and sometimes it doesn’t seem to matter. Often, I hit better with the ball a plugged or a buried lie. Again, I am attracted to and thrive under low expectations.  Sand Trapped!

Colby over at Quite the Chap has a great video on ‘Positive Swing Thoughts’ that has helped. But I have been referred to as Lawrence of Arabia in my Saturday morning league.

Some bunkers are more challenging than others, the steeped face or dreaded pot bunkers. I will save standing outside the bunker as a whole different category for another Sand Trapped post.

Fairway bunkers? Many consider this to be the hardest shot in golf. So, get your clubface on the ball and get it out. Give yourself another shot, another chance.

Get it out and get on with it!



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Here is another video from Gene Parente of Golf Labs talking about Angular Velocity and the idea of going slower to increase your clubhead speed.  Just one of the many golf instruction videos we have at GolfersRx.com.

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You must realize there is some work involved. GolfersRx.com may teach you a new thought process or a new swing technique. In addition, you will need to practice it.

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